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To establish the relationship between the density of nests of the ant Acromyrrnex landolti in the native Sabana before soil prepa­ration and the success in the establishment of the grass Andropogon gayanus, an experiment was carried out at the Experimen­tal Station "Carimagua", in the Department of Meta, in the Colombian Eastern plains. It was found that the spatial distribution of the nest is in aggregates and that it adjusted to the negative binomial distribution. A simple and fast sampling method to estimate the ant nests density was developed. The ant nests density in the native Sabana varied from 188 to 1347 nest/ha. To obtain the establishment of a cluster of the grass per square meter, six months alter planting, the ant nest density before planting should not be greater than 600 nests/ha.

SERRANO, M. S., LAPOINTE, S. L., & VILLEGAS, A. (1993). CHARACTERIZATION OF DAMAGE TO THE PASTURE CUTTING ANT Acromymex landolti (Forel) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF Andropogon gayanus IN THE EASTERN PLAINS OF COLOMBIA. Revista Colombiana De Entomología, 19(1), 21–26.


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