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During a survey conducted in Colom­bia, an isolate of Bacillus thuringien­sis showed toxicity towards Culex quinquefaciatus larvae. Parasporal crystals were spherical or irregular in shape and showed a great degree of similarity with those produced by the reference strain B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis. Supernatant fraction of the whole culture was not toxic. Oxidase, catalase, urease, argynine decarboxyla­se, amylase, lecithinase, acetil-methil-. carbinol and gelatinase production was positive. Hemolysis on sheep blood agar was "a" type. Production of heat stable B-exotoxin was negative. The isolate CIB-131 showed natural resistance to several antibiotics and was sensible to cephoperazone,cephalotin, nalidixic acid, and trimetoprin sulfa­methoxazole.

ORDUZ, S., CORREA, M., MONTOYA, A. E., & ROJAS, W. (1990). A NEW ISOLATION OF Bacillus thuringiensis FROM COLOMBIA, TOXIC FOR MOSQUITO LARVES. Revista Colombiana De Entomología, 16(2), 28–32.


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