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Staphylinidae beetles are predators of Tetranychidae mites. On cassava, Mani­hot esculenta Crantz two species, belonging to genus Oligota, have been found: O. minuta and O. centralis being the first one predominant and the object of this study. O. centralis has been recorded preying upon the casava green mite Mononychellus progresivus and two-sppoted spider mite Tetra­nychus urticae in various regions of tropical America. Experiments were established under laboratory condi­tions at four temperatures (15, 20, 25 and 30°C) and 70+ 50/o R.H. to study developmental time, minimum develop­mental threshold, and physiological time for O. centralis. Additionally, the effect of the two prey, M. progresivus and T. urticae, on the egg to adult develop­ment was studied. The predator show­ed three larval instars and total developmental time from egg to adult of 58,9, 31,9, 18,9, and 16,4 days at 15, 20, 25, and 30°C respectively. The egg stage, first, second, and third instar larvae and pupae required 76,9; 19,6; 27,3; 28,6 y 166,32 degree-days to complete development. The minimum developmental threshold was 7,3, 12, 1,3,7, 9,2, and 9,8°C for each stage. The egg-to-adult duration was 18,9 days when preying on T. urticae and 18,2 days on M. progresivus.

LENIS-C., J. I., BELLOTII, A., ZULUAGA-C., J. I., MESA-C., N. C., & CRISTINA-DUQUE, M. (1989). EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF Oligota centralis Sharp (COLEOPTERA: STAPHYLINIDAE), PREDATOR OF TETRANIQUID MITES ON YUCCA Manihot esculenta Crantz. Revista Colombiana De Entomología, 15(1), 26–37.


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