LIFE CYCLE AND DESCRIPTION OF Chelonus insularis Cresson (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), PARASITE OF Spodoptera spp.
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Chelonus insularis Cresson, a solitary, primary, egg-larval endoparasite of several species of the genus Spodoptera and Heliothis and was studied under laboratory conditions of 25 ± 2°C and 65 ± 5°/o H.R. The egg is elongated and translucent white, the chorion is bland, smooth and transparent (typically hymenopteriform). There are 3 instars: 1st. is mandibulate and the other two hymenopteriforms; the 3rd. instar larvae emerged from the host larvae, consuming it, and spin a silver-white cocoon. The time from egg to adult was about 29,05 days, averaged. The females lived 25,52 days and the males 22,1 days, when feed with honey bee and water; without honey, the mean longevity was 5,6 days. The females are progenies. The sex ratio was 1: 1,89 (♀:♂ ). The daily percentages of parasitization were different between 20 females studied, consequently to be could not establish a ranged life during which the females obtaining high levels of daily parasitization. The progeny obtained for female depend on the number of eggs exposed daily, obtaining a progeny of 900 individuals for female, when exposed 80-90 eggs for the day. Chelonus insularis did not emerge from larvae of S. frugiperda having a head capsule width greater than 1,6 mm.
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