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A Glena bisulca Rindge ectoparasite was found while working in a natural enemies survey. lt was identified as Ela­chertus sp. (Hymenoptera: Eulophi­dae). Observations were made on the levels of parasitism on early and late instars of the host larvae. On the late instar larvae, the parasitization average was 62.2% and on second and third instar larvae it was 17,8%. The number of parasite eggs, larvae, and pupae were always higher on late instars host larvae. The parasite eggs hatch three days after they have been laid. The larval development Cakes about nine days. During the last two or three days, the parasite larvae feed on the host larva cadaver. A hyperparasite was found attacking Elachertus and killing about 40% of its population. Elachertus sp also parasitizes Melanolophia commo­taria (Maassen).

MADRIGAL-C., A., WIESNER-R., L., & ARANGO-G., M. I. (1984). Elachertus sp. (Hymonoptera: Eulophidae) NEW PARASITE OF FOREST IMPORTANCE IN COLOMBIA. Revista Colombiana De Entomología, 10(3-4), 36–40.


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