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Due to the high populations of the "crazy ant", Nylanderia fulva (Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae-Formicinae), which cause serious social, economic and ecological problems, mainly in the coffee-growing region of the Tequendama (Cundinamarca), it was necessary to find an efficient and environmentally safe control measure, Toxic baits are those which meet best the above-mentioned features since the searching habits of the insect are used to accumulate the lethal dosage, applying in this way a minimum of poison to the environment. The diet of the ant has composed of two parts: a solid one, obtained from anima! protein, and a liquid one, which is procured mainly by ..he honeydew of different sucking ínsects of the order Homoptera. On bases of this knowledge, at the viIlage "Patio Bonito", Municipio de Anapoima (Cundinamarca) during 1980 and 1981, different combinations of carriers, attractants and poisons, accepted by the ants were tested to obtain an adequate bait to decrease the problems caused by N. fulva. After a series of field trials, a toxic bait for the use of coffee plantations was obtained. This bait, applied atter the rainy season, at the rate of 12 kg/ ha, in coffee plantations without weeds, in bands distanced 10 m, represents a solution of the problem of the crazy ant. Comparing this control method with conventional ones, it can be concluded, that it is safer in the environment, specific and more economic, since only 0,112 kg a.i./ha of carbaryl or 0,0825 kg. a.iJha of lindane is used against the conventional dosage of 1,0 to 1,5 kg. a.ilha of the first insecticide and 1,0 kg. a.i./ha of the second one, which means a reduction of 8,93 to 13,39 times of carbaryl and 12 Times of lindane applied to the environment. This of course results in a more economic way of control. Regarding specificity, this bait is only attractive to ants with similar feeding habits to those of the crazy ant, being therefore noninjurious to the beneficial fauna. According to the LD50 of carbaryl (510 to 850 gr. a.i./kg. weight) and of lindane (88 to 91 gr. a.i./kg. weight), the bait neither would affect domestic animals if they should feed on it.
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