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Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) lines resistant to the leafhopper (Empoasca kraemeri Ross & Moore) were identi­fied by a visual rating system in Palmira, Colombia. Resistance levels were superior to those in common beans. Nymphal populations were highly and positively correlated with insect damage. Trichome densíty on the leaf undersides was highly and negatively correlated with damage. Reciprocal crosses were made between a resistant and a susceptible line. Continuous segregation for reaction to leafhoppers was observed in F., plants, indicating quantitative inheritance of the trait in lima beans with the dominance of the susceptible reaction. The low trichome density trait was dominant. Regre­ssion of parental and progeny damage on trichome density revealed a highly negative correlation, confirming theimpor­tant role of trichomes in leafhopper resistance.

LYMAN, J. M., CARDONA, C., & GARCÍA, J. (1981). ESTUDIOS SOBRE LA RESISTENCIA DEL FRIJOL LIMA AL Empoasca kraemeri ROSS AND MOORE. Revista Colombiana De Entomología, 7(1-2), 27–32.


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