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A Hiestand blacklight trap was used to make daily counts of adult populations of Diatraea saccharalis E. in a sugar cane growing area of the Cauca Valley (Colombia). The study was conducted between 1974 and 1979. The number of adults captured diminished from 17012 in 1974 to 586 adults in 1979, a 96,6% reduction. The sex ratio was 1.6 females to 1 male. There was a definitive negative relationship between between-rainfall and adult populations. Thus, fewer adults were captured during rainy seasons. Moonlight also influenced capture. The lowest number of adults were detected during full moon periods.

RAIGOSA-BEDOYA, J. (1980). FLUCTUATION OF THE POPULATION OF Diatraca saccharalis CAPTURED WITH A BLACK LIGHT TRAP IN CANE OF SUGAR. Revista Colombiana De Entomología, 6(1-2), 43–52.


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