Susceptibility of Rhodnius ecuadoriensis (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) of fifth instar nymph to the action of Beauveria bassiana
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Laboratory bíoassays were performed to determine the susceptibility of 5'h instar nymphs of the insect Rhodnius ecuadoriensis to the entomopathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana stock UdeA-13. The insects were bred and kept at the Mycology Laboratory, Biology Department, University of Antioquia. The bioassays consisted of direct contact on an insect with a canvas 100% cotton, impregnated with a solution of 3x105, 1x107 3x108 conidias/ml of the fungi B. bassiana (UdeA-13). The insects were kept in controlled conditions of temperature (25-26ºC) and relative humidity (70-80%) in darkness. lt was found that survival of insects treated with the fungi was low with the three doses; the LT50 for the doses 3x105, 1x107, 3x108 conidia/ml varied between 5.5, 6 and 7 days respectively. The average time of the apparition of mycelia in the cadavers varied between 7-8 days. The results show that B. bassiana (UdeA-13) could be considered a good element in management programs of vectors of Chagas ' disease to interrupt the transmission cycle.
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