Parasitoids of the Homoptera citrus pests in the Meta Department of Colombia
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Studies about the presence of native parasitoids of Homoptera citrus pests were made during 1999 and 2000 in four production zones of the eastern plain piedmont, in the Meta Department of Colombia. The presence of 33 different parasitoid species of the citrus pest was determined and their identification was done. Parasitoids are from Aphididae, Aphelinidae, Encyrtidae, Eulophidae, Eupelmidae, Pteromalidae, and Signiphoridae Families. Results show that there are more parasitoids species in Saissetia sp. (eight specíes). followed by Coccus hesperidium (seven species), whiteflies (six species most of them associated with Aleurothrixus {loccosus), and Lepidosaphes spp. (three species). Every parasitoid is widely spread and survive in all citrus areas in the Meta Department. identifications provide with 24 new country records to Colombia, among the 33 reported beneficial species. In addition to this, there are three species without description and it was registered tree hyperparasitoids species of the Signiphoridae family associated with whiteflies. The presence of this beneficial insect biodiversity represents a high background of natural pest control and a great potential for the biological management of citrus pests in the region.
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