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Notes for strategic thinking are the result of an analysis of the conditions of inequity in which Latín America is right now. 

In first instance, the region is characterized as the most unequal on the planet and discusses the conditions that posed the need for a new debate to overcome inequality. It identifies the impact on social cohesion and democratic govemance. Besides influencing poverty, the difficulties to confront it, and social cohesion and governability, Inequality has multiple regressive effects on the efficiency of the economy, and the possibilities of sustained growth. On one hand reduces the opportunities for large segments to be able to develop their innovation and investment ski lis. On the other hand creates conditions for privileged sectors to intensify market imperfections, and promotes mechanisms for monopolization, protecting privileges, catches of income, instead of incentives for investment and innovation. In second instance, characterized the conditions of inequality in Latin America by examinating indicators in specific sectors. From the recognition of the disparities in income, participation in the labour market, education, health, productive assets, access to credit, "birth accident" is Configured, increasingly rigid traps of inequality, ifpublic policies don't get actively involved providing opportunities to the disadvantaged. Finally proposed elements of response to the question, is inequity improvable? It identifies a scenario conducive to the development of active proequity policies that should act structurally on the two sides of inequity, the "birth accidents" and the "spaces of privilege ". It's in trus direction the new generation of social policies on track in several countries ofthe region that has as one of its axes, decentralization of programs, aided community involvement, the growth of its social capital, the shielding of the programs against its cJient instrumentation, good social management, and access to credit, technology and market opportunities.

Rebeca Grynspan

Economista de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Socióloga de la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalen. Obtuvo la Maestría en Economía en la Universidad de Sussex, Inglaterra. Directora de la PNUD, para America Latina y el Caribe, Costa Rica

Bernardo Kliksberg

Ha obtenido cinco titulos Universítarios. entre ellos dos Doctorados. en economia y management. Ha asesorado a mas de 30 paises en alta gestión. Ha asesorado a diversos Presidentes y a numerosas organizaciones publicas de la sociedad civil y empresarial. Asesor de la ONU, BID, UNESCO, UNlCEF, OlT, OEA, OPS y otros organismos internacionales. Ha sido galardonado por su trayectoria y contribuciones por diversos paises. Se lo ha designado profesor Honorario, profesor Emérito. Doctor Honoris Causa de diversas Universidades del continente y huésped ilustre de diversas cíudades
Grynspan, R., & Kliksberg, B. (2007). NOTES FOR AN STRATEGIC REFLECTlON. Cuadernos De Administración, 23(38), 9–20.


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