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Nowadays a progressively more dynamic and global economic environment causes a higher number of enterprises to pick an entry strategy to become international. The choice of a strategy of entry into foreign markets constitutes one of the most relevant decisions for a company, for it impacts on its performance and means it being ready to cooperate, to a greater or lesser extent, with global supply chains. The present article identifies the determining factors of the strategies of entry into international markets as implemented by Peruvian businessmen, which impact on the integration level into an international market. The companies that participated in this exploratory study have growing exportation levels within the non-traditional sector. The results allow to appreciate exporters employing entry strategies with low levels of integration, and predominantly prefer low-risk markets and high resemblance to the Peruvian market, with regards to cultural affinity and business behavior.

Fernando Robles, School of Business of the George Washington University.

Fernando Robles is professor of international business and international relations at the School of Business of the George Washington University.  Dr. Robles’s research and consulting experience is in Global Marketing and Regional Marketing Strategies. He published  a book on Winning Strategies for the New Latin Markets in 2002. His articles have appeared in many academic and professional journals, which include The Journal of International Business StudiesInternational Journal of Business and ManagementInternational Marketing ReviewIndustrial Marketing ManagementThe Journal of EuromarketingThe International ExecutiveThe Journal of Direct MarketingLatin American Business Review and Thunderbird International Business Review. He has also made many contributions to chapters in books on global and international marketing and serves on the editorial boards of AcademiaManagement Decision and Journal of Asia Pacific Business.

kety Lourdes Jauregui, Universidad ESAN

Profesora asociada del área de Administración,  Directora dela Maestríade Organización y Dirección de Personas. Ph.D. en Management del IESE, Universidad de Navarra. Obtuvola Maestríaen Administración en el ITESM, campus Monterrey, México, y es Ingeniera Industrial dela Universidad Nacionalde Ingeniería.. Ha sido Directora Asociada del Programa Doctoral ESADE-ESAN desde 2003 hasta agosto 2008 y Directora de Investigación desde setiembre de 2004 hasta diciembre 2005. Consultora en implementación de estrategia, estudios de cultura y clima organizacional, diseño e implementación de programas de responsabilidad social para el sector eléctrico e hidrocarburos, diseño de capacitación, políticas públicas en educación, clima de inversiones en el Perú, evaluación de resultados de la capacitación docentes, entre otros temas. Ha sido Jefe de Proyecto de Consultorías en empresas como San Gabán, Ministerio de Educación, Proinversión,  Contraloría,  Instituto de Recursos Humanos, IDRHE, Osinergmin y COFIDE.  

Robles, F., & Jauregui, kety L. (2017). International markets entry strategy determinants: an exploratory study in Peru. Cuadernos De Administración, 33(59), 2–19.


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