The service quality assessment in the banking services context
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Quality assessment is an essential process of quality management in banking institutions; its effective development constitutes a dynamic element in the achievement of the basic principle of improvement, an essential objective as well, of quality management. This process has been studied by authors and institutions that have provided heterogeneous approaches to develop it. Thus, in this reflection article, using theoretical systematization as a methodology, the models described in the literature on the evaluation assessment of the quality of services and their contextualization to banking are exposed from a critical position, concluding that they are limited with respect to the need to develop this process from a systemic conception consistent with the total approach to quality, prevailing a perspective restricted to assessing the quality perceived by consumers and avoiding the determination of compliance with the requirements of other interested parties. In an effort to mitigate the situation mentioned above, emphasis is placed on the need to understand the process of assessing the quality of the banking service as the deployment of a systemic set of periodic operations, associated with obtaining and interpreting reliable and valid information on the degree of conformity of the quality requirements of the banking service to be considered and, on its basis, contribute to its improvement, a fact that would make possible the production of research results that, from a systemic approach, includes three components (configurational, evaluative and transforming of the banking service object of evaluation).
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