The systematization of experiences, a qualitative social investigation that promotes good practices of convivence and governance. The experience of a residential complex in Cali, Colombia
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This article responds to the need to address the systematization of experiences as an investigative option that generates transformations, because it promotes processes of reflexivity that enhance positive changes in attitudes, practices and relationships. In this sense, the exercise of systematization of an experience of coexistence and private government in a residential estate in the city of Cali is presented. The theoretical and methodological foundations are based on the postulates of qualitative social investigation and on the contributions of different authors who have worked on the relationship between systematization and investigation, based on experiences that significantly impact the lives of the subjects. Thus, through the reconstruction, critical interpretation and enhancement of their experience of life in a residential estate, its inhabitants were part of a process of individual and collective reflections on the exercise of government from which life and coexistence in their community are regulated. The experience allowed us to recognize and learn about participation, community organization, the construction of democracy from micro-social spaces and relationships based on pluralism. All this represents a contribution to the understanding of the phenomenon of residential estates in Colombia, whose interpretation, from the studies of daily life, promote human development and the processes of building healthy coexistence and democratic government.
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Accepted 2020-12-10
Published 2021-01-01
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