Contributions and Challenges of the Systematization of Experiences in Social Work and the Critical Extension. Notes and reflections from the perspective of Popular Education
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The systematization of experiences has a collection that makes it particularly rich to nurture contemporary debates in two fields that are especially challenged in the current context: the training and exercise of Social Work and in the critical university extension. The present essay on theoretical reflection aims to offer a series of analytical arguments and reflections that, from the professional practice and performance of its authors, as well as from its origin in Latin American Popular Education, seeks to trace its theoretical-epistemological intertwines.
On the other hand, it seeks to link theoretical reflection with reference to a practice of accompaniment to the systematization of university extension experiences that, based on reflection on it, offers clues to enrich the critical debate around this function of university academic work.
The article structures its theoretical reflection on systematization around three basic axes: its theoretical-epistemological articulation with Latin American popular education and Participatory Action Research, the systematization in the historical evolution and in the contemporary debate of the Intervention of Social Work and the potentiality of the Systematization of experiences in the field of critical extension. It offers in each section arguments and theoretical and reflective supports that in their own development offer conclusions to the reader.
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Accepted 2020-12-10
Published 2021-01-01
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