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This article presents the context and interpretation of the practice of a group of male and female university professors, based on the epistemological and political subjectivities that have inspired their practices as subjects who conduct research. The approach adopted by the systematization was interpretive-critical, in which experience recovery techniques such as discussion groups, qualitative interviews and autobiographies were utilized. The reader will find that the composition of a subject who conducts research and the subjectivities that they construct in exercising the profession affect not only their epistemological and political considerations, but also the way in which they advise research projects and the research that they formulate or participate in.

Likewise, the article starts from the contextualization in which the practice is developed, that is, Colombian universities and the obstacles for the achievement of academic professionalization.

Giovanni Mora-Lemus, Universidad de Monserrate. Bogotá, Colombia.

Doctorando en Ciencias Sociales, línea análisis sociológico, Universidad de Salamanca. Magister en Estudios Políticos. Sociólogo. Docente Universidad de Monserrate. Bogotá, Colombia.

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