Professional Narratives of Interventions with Mothers of Sexually Abused Children
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The article analyzes the narratives of professionals who work in child protection programs in the Araucanía region, Chile, regarding the psychosocial intervention processes with mothers of children who are victims of sexual abuse. The aim of this qualitative study was to understand the expectations of professionals regarding the role of mothers and intervention practices. The information was gathered through a narrative interview conducted at two different moments in time and which considered three topics: the role of mothers, maternity, and intervention practices. The information collected was categorized and interpreted through the qualitative content analysis technique, following the grounded theory guidelines. The findings suggest: a lack of recognition regarding the relevance that the patriarchal culture acquires in the problem of child sexual abuse, a stereotyped conception of gender roles, the sacralization of motherhood, legitimation of the sexual division of labor, and a high burden of responsibility attributed to mothers that makes their own pain and suffering invisible, focusing the intervention on an individual perspective of ‘parenting skills or competences'.
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