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This article is a product of the intervention and social research process called "Resignifying the meanings of being a man in Social Work" carried out in 2021-II and 2022-I in the Social Work program of the University of Caldas, in which a commitment was made to make masculinities visible in a historically feminized career and to recognize their struggles, their discomforts and their privileges in this academic setting.

The purpose is to motivate reflection on what it means to be men in Social Work from their own narratives, and to understand how they build their masculinity and how they give a new meaning by questioning the dynamics presented in the classroom, the problematization of their forms of socialization and upbringing as well as the recognition of emotions and self-care as a fundamental part of their subjectivity. It will be the possibility to build new ways of being men from the educational stage, masculinities focus on good treatment, care, and respect for themselves and others.

Juliana Saldarriaga-Tabares, Universidad de Caldas. Manizales, Colombia

Trabajadora social. Universidad de Caldas. Manizales, Colombia.

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Received 2022-09-19
Accepted 2023-04-10
Published 2023-04-21

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