Social work in palliative care: the necessary intervention with the family in Galicia, Spain
Main Article Content
Palliative care is understood as the set of health interventions coordinated from a multidisciplinary and integral perspective, based on the analysis of the patient's preferences and needs, with the aim of improving his or her quality of life and that of his or her family members in the face of a life-threatening disease through the prevention and relief of suffering at all levels of care. The present research article shows the perception that relatives of patients who have been in palliative care units have of the intervention carried out by social work professionals with them in these devices. The research has gathered this information through semi-structured interviews with six family members who have used palliative care services and who have been the main caregiver of their sick family member. After contrasting the arguments of the literature review and the interviews with the family members, the results show that families are a fundamental element in palliative care units, so that carrying out an appropriate intervention with them is of vital importance when it comes to accompanying and intervening throughout the process.
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Accepted 2023-10-18
Published 2024-01-01
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