Subjectivities, Reconciliation, and Rural Education in Peacebuilding in the Municipality of Fundación-Magdalena, Colombia
Main Article Content
The armed conflict on the Colombian Caribbean coast has profoundly affected the social fabric, family relationships, and the mental health of the communities that have been victims of the confrontation between armed actors vying for territorial control. These impacts on the civilian population have become more visible among children and young people, who suffer intergenerational trauma and the repetition of the dynamics of violence that were established in the minds in the imaginaries of their parents, relatives, and communities.
Objective: to carry out a reflective analysis on how the categories of subjectivity and reconciliation are articulated in the educational processes generated from rural education and how this contributes to the construction of peace in the municipality of Fundación-Magdalena. Method: This research was carried out from the Participatory Action Research with a qualitative approach.
Findings: Rural education has been decisive for the construction of subjectivities committed to peaceful relations, the transformation of family dynamics, the recognition of differences, and other aspects that are indispensable for reconciliation; as well as memory processes that seek to dignify victims and guaranteeing the right to full reparation. In this context, rural education is presented as a scenario where dynamics of binding socialization converge and allow the recognition of the emotionality of others, the importance of collective care, and respect for differences in the framework of pedagogical bets that tend to the construction of peace.
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Accepted 2024-02-15
Published 2024-01-01
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