Systematization, a methodology for generating knowledge in Social and Human Sciences: bibliometric analysis of the scientific literature of Web of Science
Main Article Content
The article presents the main results, findings, and conclusions of the study on the concept of systematization, recognizing the debates that discuss the value and recognition of systematization as a useful methodology in the generation of knowledge in the human and social sciences. For the study of the concept, a bibliometric analysis was made of the scientific literature contained in the main catalog of the Web of Science [WoS] index, for its high quality, scope, recognition, and levels of impact worldwide. The data were analyzed with Rstudio software, specifically with R's Bibliometric package, which includes the graphical interface of the Biblioshiny
The study analyzes a total of 928 documents, in which it is possible to verify the multifaceted use of the concept of systematization. The research, through an analysis of the conceptual structure of the documents examined, identifies five thematic clusters in the scientific literature, where one of them is anchored in the Latin American tradition of systematization, confirming its presence in the scientific literature of high indexation and impact, linking it with the discipline of social work and the field of education. The research supports the arguments that aim to recognize the legitimacy and worth of systematization, as a methodology of knowledge generation in the human and social sciences, while claiming and promoting its use, teaching, and incorporation into spaces of scientific and/or academic discussion.
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Accepted 2024-05-27
Published 2024-07-01
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