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This article focuses on the ethnographic study «From Social Mobilizations to Collective Action for Peace (SMCAP), the Barrancabermeja case 1970 – 2000). This is a reflective/interpretative exercise in historical memory by Barranquenos, beginning with the events and the conditions that gave rise to the socioeconomic, political and cultural relations characteristic of the social migrations in the oil producing port. It also addresses the driving forces and the validating actions that brought about the transformations SMCAP
went through in the three decades spanning from 1970 to 2000. Lastly it highlights the cultural domains that emerged in time, such as the actors represented as organized or unorganized population, the motives that drove the protagonists to organized social mobilizations such as civic protests, strikes and the SMCAP.
The research study concludes that social mobilizations, as objects of study, can be described, theorized about and analyzed in terms of the social dynamics of the specific context, resulting in the generation of knowledge
to fortify the political actions of the social sector. Furthermore, their study can guide the creation and development of an ethical-political project based on such actions as inclusion, structuring of democratic political processes, citizenship and the respect and full enjoyment of human rights. 

Ruth Zárate-Rueda, Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Trabajadora social de la Universidad Industrial de Santander. Especialista en Investigación social, docencia universitaria, educación sexual y procesos afectivos; magíster en evaluación en educación. Docente investigadora de la Escuela de Trabajo social. Integrante del grupo de investigación: Población, desarrollo y medio ambiente de la Escuela de Trabajo social UIS.

Cesar Moreno, Observatorio de paz Intergral del Magdalena (OPI).

Trabajador social de la Universidad Industrial de Santander. Consultor de acciones colectivas por la paz del observatorio de paz Intergral del Magdalena (OPI).
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