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Background: Chronic kidney failure occurs when the kidneys fail to perform their multitasking effectively, leading the patient to hemodialysis or kidney transplantation and progressive emotional exhaustion

Objective: to evaluate the perception of quality of life related to oral health and self-esteem of patients undergoing hemodialysis, after dental interventions and kidney transplants.

Materials and Methods: Eighty-two patients answered the SF-36, OHIP-14 and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale questionnaires. Of these, 76 underwent dental interventions and answered the questionnaires again. After 3 years, only 33 continued the study. Twelve were transplanted and 10 completed the questionnaires.

Results: Only self-esteem showed improvement, with statistically significant changes.

Conclusion: Dental treatment and kidney transplantation improved patients' self-esteem. There was a trend towards improvement in the social aspect.

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Received 2021-02-14
Accepted 2021-06-28
Published 2021-09-15

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