Skeletal class III correction in growing patient with bone anchorage: Case Report
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Background: Skeletal class III is a dentofacial deformity where the lower third of face is more prominent. The treatment is decided according to the etiology and age of the patient; If the patient is in growing, the malformation can be treated with an interceptive protocol and if possible, avoid a orthognathic surgery in the future.
Objective: Improve the skeletal class, uncross the bite or obtain an edge-to-edge bite, improve the position of the upper lip and evaluate the initial-final relationship of ANS and ANB.
Case report: 13-year-old male patient, with no reported pathological or family history; presents skeletal class III, vertical growth, molar class I and canine III; he was treated with the protocol of mini BAMP (bone anchored maxillary protraction) plates, intermaxillary elastics and a palate with flat tracks.
Results: The orthopedic phase lasted five months and an edge-to-edge bite and skeletal class I were achieved.
Discussion: Results were obtained with the use of mini implants without extraoral anchorage in less time compared to other methods that have to be used for 9-12 months.
Conclusion: The BAMP protocol can be used in growing patients without a face mask to correct skeletal class III.
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Accepted 2021-07-12
Published 2021-09-15
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