Sensibilidad de fibroblastos gingivales humanos a la infección por herpes simple tipo I (in vitro)
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In this work, Fibroblast Cells from healthy human gingiva were cultivatedin Vitro and its sensivity to Herpes Simplex Virus 1, (HSVI) was studied. The Fibr0blast were sensitive to HSV l infection using viral stockreference and salivafrom patients with acute symtoms of infection by HSV 1. These cells supporterl viral m ultiplication as evidenced by the develop of cytophatogenic effect and positive immunofluorescence staining with monoclonal and policlonal antibodies against HSV 1. The Gingival Fibroblast might serve as a primary site for viral multiplication in Vivo such as facilitate the access to gingival conective tissue and could serve as a extraneural reservoir for Herpes Simplex Type l.
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