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The main goal is to establish a cellular line of fibroblast  which come from human gingival tissue, identifying  its morphologic features. 

Samples  were  taken  from  gum of healthy patients without medical antecedents. 

Three females  and three male were selected. Ages were between  16 and 30 years old. A sample of  0,5 cm2 of gum was obtained to take it to a cellular  growth enviroment.  Cultures  were  incobated at 37°C, CO2 atmosphere at  5% for ten (10) days. Samples were observed daily with inverted light Microscope Olimpus II. At  6th day  growth  of  fusiform  cells  was  observed;  their  morphology was in coincidence with that of the fibroblasts. At 18th day a monolayer of 100% purity  was  observed.  The  cellular  line  was  preserved and  stored by freezing in liquid nitrogen.

Jorge Enrique Soto Franco, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Profesor. Escuela de Odontología.

Beatriz Parra Patiño, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Técnica Especializada TV Departamento de Microbiología Universidad del Valle.

Adolfo Contreras Rengifo, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Profesor Titular Escuela de Odontología Universidad del Valle

Soto Franco, J. E., Parra Patiño, B., & Contreras Rengifo, A. (2000). Cultivo y caracterización in vitro de una línea celular de fibroblastos gingivales humanos. Revista Estomatología, 9(1).


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