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The dental picture can constitute a very valuable tool  for students, professors  as  well  as  for the dentists in general. For example it is good for the illustration   of  a  discovery  or  a  series of observations,  documentation  of the conditions of "before  and later" of a treatment, contribution to the teaching to take registrations  and as an assistant in the transmission  of knowledge, campaigns in schools  or  social  centers  and  even  as  legal  protection,  because  a  series of  good  pictures  serves like evidence  of the patient's conditions before, during and after the dental  treatment.  

The  purpose  of  the  following  article  is  to  motivate and to guide the dentist for the obtaining of dental pictures of quality helping to the selection of the required tools as well as of transmitting him some photographic advice to get the required good results.

Diego Vallejo Becerra, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Profesor. Escuela de Odontología.

Vallejo Becerra, D. (2000). Fotografía en odontología. Revista Estomatología, 9(1).


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