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Usually when we read about handling instructions of some dental materials, We are concemed about the manipulation and how it should be placed in the mouth. Some terms and measures given in the dental material books are difficult to understand. Therefore, We lost criteria to evaluate on mechanic properties of many dental materials, We are only farniliarized with the clínical behavior of them. The purpose of this literature review is to explain in a simple and precise way the importance of increasing our knowledge about this topic, and giving us the opportunity of taking a correct decision to choosing a restorative dental material in benefit of our patients' oral health. Schematic representations are used to explain terms like; stress, deformation, elastic limit, yield strength, ultimate strength, poisson's ratio, ductility, elongation, resilience and toughness.

Rafael Murgueitio Piedrahita, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Profesor Escuela de Odontología. Profesor Programa de Odontología.

Murgueitio Piedrahita, R. (2001). Propiedades mecánicas en odontología. Revista Estomatología, 9(2).


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