Estudio del flujo de aire y la resistencia nasal en niños con edades entre los 6 y los 12 años
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There is a lack of studies that give relevant evidence of the possible relation between respiratory problems and impairment of craniofacial development. This study reports about the manufacture, calibration and validation of instruments that measure breathing flow, nasal resistance and pressure ofinhaled/expelled air in orderto quantifY the values of normal respiratory function. A device was prepared using an espirometer and a pneumotacograph integrated to traducers connected to a polygraph to evaluate the air flow, the nasal resistence, the equivalent area of transverse nasal section and the type ofbreathing (oral or nasal). There were obtained calibration curves to air flow and to pressure difference, with correlation coefficients (r) ofO.9997 and 0.9992, respectively.
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