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Summary: Treatment of mild to moderate maloclussion class III with protraction facial mask
could reduce the need of orthognatic surgery at all or reduce the size of the orthognatic surgical
intervention. Objetive: To evaluate the effect of early treatment with facial mask in angle class
III patients. Methods: Two class III patientes were estudied beinf treated with facial masthe first
patient used the facial mask 12 hours at day 3 months periods then the patient was switched to
dental orthopedic treatment controlled by Rx lateral perfilogram . The second patient used facial
mask 6 months ,then switched to dental orthopedic treatment 3 years.The patients were controled
until patients were 14 years old. Discussion: This serie of 2 case reports reveal that the use of a
protactil facial mask is favourable ro treat patients suffering class III maloclussions. The
skeletal facial changes were positively significant in those patients according to the data
detectable changes of maxillar and mandibular bone size and the cefalometric points a and b that
oclussal plane. In follow up studies ,it and determend that even after reach the patients 18 years
of age, 67% of the patients were in normal oclussion even longer than 8 years after treatment.This
resuet indicates that only on third of the ortonagte surgeris may be truly needed to the treatment
of ,class III dental. Key words: Class III maloclussion. Facial mask. Early dental

Jesús Alberto Hernández, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Profesor. Escuela de Odontología.

Libia Soto, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Profesor. Escuela de Odontología

Hernández, J. A., & Soto, L. (2006). Protraction facial mask in early treatment of class III malocclusion. Revista Estomatología, 14(2).


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