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Low level laser application in orthodontics attempts to accelerate the induced orthodontic movement and to dissipate the dental discomfort during treatment. The recognition of its biological foundation is a fundamental issue to understand the effect of all tissues involved in the irradiated zone. There have been research findings on the cell proliferation and empowerment of cell functions, promotion of bone remodeling, and decreasing of the local swelling and pain during orthodontic treatments. However, the positive results of the laser application on cells involved in the orthodontic movement have not widely been investigated. Literature indicates a lack of research finding on the effect of low laser therapy on the dentin-pulp complex, which demands randomized controlled trials. For these reasons, the aim of this paper attempts to compile the main publications done regarding the effect of low level laser therapy on dental pulp tissue.

Rosa Ballesteros, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Estudiante postgrado de Ortodoncia. Escuela de Odontología.

Jairo Viáfara, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Estudiante postgrado de Ortodoncia. Escuela de Odontología.

Ángela Domínguez, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Profesora biología del movimiento, Postgrado de Ortodoncia.

Ballesteros, R., Viáfara, J., & Domínguez, Ángela. (2012). Effect of low level laser on dental pulp tissue during orthodontic movement. Revista Estomatología, 20(1), 30–38.
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