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Objective: To determine the risk factors
predisposing to burnout syndrome in
students from Dentistry Program at the
University of Valle.
Materials and Methods: In this cross
-sectional study were enrolled 90 students
in the period from February to June 2012
in the academic program of Dentistry from
the Universidad del Valle, who attend third,
fourth and fifth year. The test Maslach Burnout
Inventory (MBI) was applied which
consists of 22 items with 7 response options
corresponding to three basic dimensions of
burnout syndrome, emotional exhaustion
(AE), depersonalization (D) and reduced
personal or professional accomplishment
(BR). Chi2 test were run for each of the
factors and Kruscal Wallis and ANOVA
were also applied.
Results: The fifth graders scored an average
of 5.60 on a scale of depersonalization
(D), which was statistically significant,
indicating that there is a risk factor present
in this group of students. In this dimension
of depersonalization, values were lower
for levels 1, 2, 3 and 6 but there was no
statistically significant differences between
them. Given the sub-scale of emotional
exhaustion (AE) the highest values were
associated with socio-economic levels 3,
4 and 5.
Conclusions: Our results show that the academic
load can be a predisposing factor that
impacts mainly on the depersonalization
and manifests itself at the end of college.
Socioeconomic variables, family environment,
age, or spend a certain semester
do not constitute specific risk factors for
development of the syndrome.

Key words: Burnout syndrome, emotional
exhaustion, depersonalization, personal

Sorany Calvache, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia

Estudiante último año Odontología.

Lizeth Chazatar, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia

Estudiante último año Odontología.

Eliana Jiménez, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia

Estudiante último año Odontología.

Rosario Quiñónes, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia

Estudiante último año Odontología.

Milena Galvis, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia

Psicologa, Auxiliar de Clínicas Escuela de Odontología.

Sandra Moreno, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia

Odontóloga. Magíster en Ciencias Biomédicas. Profesora Escuela de Odontología de la Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia), Profesora de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Cali, Colombia).

Calvache, S., Chazatar, L., Jiménez, E., Quiñónes, R., Galvis, M., & Moreno, S. (2013). Risk Factors associated to BURNOUT Sindrome in dentistry students from University of Valle. Revista Estomatología, 21(1), 7–11.


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