Temporomandibular joint using the Bite Turbos appliance. It´s important to realize a case - control trial that evaluated those possible effects.
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The purpose of this review is identify the possible diagnostics methods of the Temporomandibular Joint that can determine the behavior of itself when oclusal changes occur. In addition, the secondary objective are know relevant information about occlusion, Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ), bite turbos and contemporaneous diagnostics methods for the TMJ and near structures. A literature reviewed with a total background of 44 articles. Those articles include concepts of functional occlusion, Temporomandibular joint development and the importance on the patient’s occlusion pattern, also the Bite Turbos as an important mechanism to help the orthodontic treatment, and finally the reports that supports diagnostics methods to evaluate de Temporomandibular complex like the Cone-Beam Computer Tomography as a vanguard method. We concluded that the Cone Beam CT was an excellent method to evaluate the Temporomandibular complex, and has a great relationship between riskbenefits. In addition, we conclude that there were insufficient information about the possible effects on the Temporomandibular joint using the Bite Turbos appliance. It´s important to realize a case control trial that evaluated those possible effects.
Key words: Orthodontics, disarticulation, cone-beam computed tomography, temporomandibular joint, dental occlusion.
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