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Objective: This single blind randomized clinical trial (RCT) determined the effect of scaling and root planning plus azithromycin (SRP+Azi) in serum C reactive protein levels and other blood biomarkers, clinical periodontal parameters and subgingival microbial composition three months after periodontal therapy.

Materials and Methods: Forty-nine chronic periodontitis patients participatedin the study and were randomly assignedsession of scaling and root planning plus oral azithromycin 500 mg daily for five days (SRP+Azi) while, 27 patients in the control group received the same single session of scaling and root planning plus placebo (SRP+Pb). A group of 25 subjects presenting periodontal health-gingivitis were included as a comparison group and in them was determined clinical periodontal parameters, blood parameters and microbiota at baseline. Periodontitis groups received a full mouth periodontal examination, blood test and microbiological cultures at baseline, and three months after therapy.

Primary outcome variable was the variation in serum high sensitive C- reactive protein (hs-CRP). Secondary outcome variables were variation of triglycerides, High density Cholesterol (HDL), low density Cholesterol (LDL), fasting glucose, pocket depth and microbial composition.

Results: Therapy with SRP+Azi do not significantly reduce the plasmatic levels of hs-CRP however, a positive trend was notice (4,33 to 2,99 mg/l). This group obtained also greater reduction of pocket depth (PD), artery index and P. gingivalis and P intermedia detection frequency when compared to the SRP placebo group (p<0.05). Other blood biochemistry parameters did not changed significantly in the test group. In contrast, the control group increased the hs- CRP levels after therapy and in some cases a increase of pocket depth was detected.

Conclusions: Combined SRP+Azi therapy in chronic periodontitis did not reduced hs- CRP serum level significantly after three months. However, this group reduced significantly their probing pocket depth, reduced P. gingivalis and P intermedia frequency and increased clinical attachment gain.

Key words: Chronic periodontitis, Creactive protein, azithromycin, randomized clinical trial.

Jorge-Enrique Soto-Franco, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Odontólogo, Especialista en Periodoncia, Profesor titular de la Escuela de Odontología

Heberth-Fernando Aldana, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Odontólogo, Especialista en Periodoncia

Melissa Peláez, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Bacterióloga, Laboratorio de Virología

Jorge Quisoboni, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Odontólogo, Especialista en Periodoncia

María-Alexandra O'Meara, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Odontólogo, Especialista en Periodoncia

Adolfo Contreras, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Odontólogo, Magíster en Microbiología, Doctor en Biología Craneofacial, Profesor titular de la Escuela de Odontología

Soto-Franco, J.-E., Aldana, H.-F., Navia, J.-M., Peláez, M., Quisoboni, J., O'Meara, M.-A., & Contreras, A. (2016). High sensitive- C reactive protein, periodontal parameters and periodontal microbiota after scaling-root planning plus Azithromycin as treatment of Chronic Periodontitis: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Revista Estomatología, 24(2).
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