Schools classification according ICFES Saber 11 tests: An analysis using marginal models (MM)
ordinal data marginal models longitudinal categorical data education evaluation.
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Using the school classification according to tests ICFES Saber 11, a longitudinal analysiswas performed for the period 2001 – 2011. This classification was analyzed using marginalmodels for ordinal responses, and considering explanatory variables as the schoollegal nature and the timetables. The main results found that the private schools have, onaverage, better ratings, as opposed to public schools; this shows an increase in the gapin the standings between these two types of establishments in the period 2001-2011 forthe thirteen main cities in Colombia. No full-time effects on the classification of schoolswere found.
Gómez Silva, C. A. (2016). Schools classification according ICFES Saber 11 tests: An analysis using marginal models (MM). Sociedad Y Economía, (30), 69–89.
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