A Multilevel Study of School Performance in Mathematics for Third Grade of Basic Education in Latin America
quality of education family environment school effects country effects multilevel analysis.
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This study carried out -in three stages- a multilevel analysis of school performance inmathematics, to identify family and school factors, and socioeconomic conditions ofstudents; practices and teaching methods, and economic investment, affecting the scopeof educational achievements in the area of mathematics. Uses data from 60,325 studentsin third grade basic education, from 15 countries participating in the Second RegionalComparative and Explanatory Study (Segundo Estudio Regional Comparativo y Explicativo-SERCE) 2006 in Latin America. The variables with the greatest impact in the study are:sex, type of school, area, reference resources, repetition od courses, sense of belonging tothe center and GDP invested in education. These variables are explained by the personalcharacteristics of the students and of the institution and the country they belong to.
Zambrano Jurado, J. C. (2016). A Multilevel Study of School Performance in Mathematics for Third Grade of Basic Education in Latin America. Sociedad Y Economía, (30), 91–120. https://doi.org/10.25100/sye.v0i30.3902
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