Income Snuff in Nueva Granada, 1774-1850. Administration, Commerce and Monopoly
Nueva Granada economics snuff administration commerce.
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This paper refers to the administration of the income of snuff in Nueva Granada, itschanges and permanence, from three basic stages: lease background (1744-1774), directadministration (1774-1810) and the end of monopoly during the Republic (1821-1850). Forthe study, we analyzed the instructions made by Manuel Guirior, Manuel Antonio Flórez,Juan Francisco Gutierrez de Piñeres, and legislation of the Republic of Colombia. Whenanalyzing the income snuff management it was determined that despite the political legislationof the first experience of the Colombian nation, private firms monopolized thecultivation, production and marketing of the sheet before the abolition of the monopoly,due to the high profitability of the product in foreign markets.
Acevedo Tarazona, Álvaro, & Torres Güiza, J. S. (2016). Income Snuff in Nueva Granada, 1774-1850. Administration, Commerce and Monopoly. Sociedad Y Economía, (30), 281–303.
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