Desarrollo local y globalización una reflexión sobre América Latina
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Since the beginning of the decade of the Eighties Latin America has increasingly recognized the importance of local issues as the scenario for encounters between the state and society. A reflection of this change are the decentralization reforms that began in that decade within the process of regional structural adjustments and democratization. Today local issues have taken on a new meaning induced by the globalization. Globalization can dearticule and rearticulate aspects of local economies, often at the same time. In Latin America the processes of dearticulation have been very strong producing areas of exclusion in the community. The challenge is to generate complementarities between local scenarios and the global economy with the aim of furthering human development. This must come through the development of strategic agreements between society and the state within the framework of a democratic government.
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Revista sociedad y economía editada por la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Económicas de la Universidad del Valle se encuentra bajo una Licencia Internacional Creative Commons Atribución - No comercial 4.0
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