On economic sociology as an interdisciplinary field to know
Sociology Economy classics market interdisciplinary.
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The relations between Economy and Sociology have been relatively distant,
due to biggest distinguishes. ¿It is possible the existence of an interdisciplinary fieldwork between two disciplines with a few intellectual links? This text proposes to show Economic Sociology as an interdisciplinary possibility that treat to integrate twice rival knowledge to offer wealth in a moment of revival.
due to biggest distinguishes. ¿It is possible the existence of an interdisciplinary fieldwork between two disciplines with a few intellectual links? This text proposes to show Economic Sociology as an interdisciplinary possibility that treat to integrate twice rival knowledge to offer wealth in a moment of revival.
Reyes Pedreros, M. Y. (2010). On economic sociology as an interdisciplinary field to know. Sociedad Y Economía, (17), 229–241. https://doi.org/10.25100/sye.v0i17.4185
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Revista sociedad y economía editada por la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Económicas de la Universidad del Valle se encuentra bajo una Licencia Internacional Creative Commons Atribución - No comercial 4.0
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