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Genetic control as a control method that can be combined with other methods, has been little studied as an economically viable and easy-to-adopt alternative in the case of the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari), the pest that causes the greatest economic losses to coffee crop in Colombia. Efforts to reduce these economic losses have been mainly focused on the integrated pest management of the pest through cultural, chemical, and biological practices, which have managed to maintain its infestation below 5%, which represents around 7% of coffee production costs. Genetic control can be successfully combined with the other control methods currently being used. The use of resistant varieties increases the efficiency of integrated pest management because it reduces the number of individuals per generation and prolongs their development period. This reduces population growth and keeps insects below economic injury levels. This review presents information on the origin of the coffee berry borer, its dispersal, biology and life cycle, and the economic losses caused by this pest. Emphasis was placed on studies of coffee plant resistance to CBB through antibiosis and antixenosis. In the case of antibiosis, the identification of sources of resistance in the genus Coffea is compiled, as well as the use of Ethiopian introductions of Coffea arabica and accessions of C. liberica from the Colombian Coffee Collection (CCC) as male progenitors for the development of a coffee variety with antibiosis effect against the CBB. In the case of antixenosis, the relevant studies carried out on coffee species and varieties with respect to H. hampei are compiled.

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Accepted 2022-08-01
Published 2022-07-07

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