First records of the wasps families Megalyridae and Scolebythidae (Hymenoptera: Megalyroidea, Chrysidoidea) for northern South America
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The Hymenoptera wasp families Megalyridae and Scolebythidae are registered for the first time from Colombia, northern South America. Megalyridae was previously known in the western hemisphere, from southern South America. Scolebythidae was previously known from southeastern Brazil and Costa Rica.
FERNÁNDEZ-C., F., SARMIENTO-M., C. E., & CAMPOS-L., D. F. (2002). First records of the wasps families Megalyridae and Scolebythidae (Hymenoptera: Megalyroidea, Chrysidoidea) for northern South America. Revista Colombiana De Entomología, 28(2), 213.
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