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In order to identify and study the bio­logical aspects of the worm usually known as "Cachón del Inchi", a re­search was carried out during 1988 and 1989 at the Experimental Farm of the Corporación de Araracuara, at San José del Guaviare. The adults were identified by comparison at the Natio­nal University of Colombia, Sectional Medellín, as Panacea sp. pos. prola (Doubleday & Hewitson) (Lepidopte­ra: Nymphalidae). The life cycle of the insect was determined under labo­ratory conditions, having an average life span of 46 days, 22 of which co­rrespond to the larval stage; during this stage, it passes through 8 instars, period in which, it acts as an inchi defoliator. A description of each of the stages of the insect is presented, and aspects related to its control are mentioned, including a microhyme­nopteran which was found as a parasi­toid of the eggs.

MONTOYA-GAVIRIA, D. C. (1991). BIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE INCHI CAHON WORM (Panacea sp. Possible prota). Revista Colombiana De Entomología, 17(1), 41–50.


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