Variation of Cyhexatin resistant character in a population of Tetranychus cinnabarinus reared on Dianthus caryophyllus carnation
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Starting with a colony of Tetranychus cinnabarinus Boisduval reared on carnation and resistant 13.2 times to cyhexatin, the behaviour of the susceptibility through 17 generations of autogamy was observed. After the 7th generation, a reduction in the level of resistance was found, being this reduction of 5.2 times in generation 17th. To observe the behaviour of the resistance, the cyhexatin resistant population was crossed with a susceptible one. The F1 showed a reduction of 6.3 times. The value of the LC50 never reached the level of the susceptible population, but it remained within the values to establish an adequate management of the pest. The F2, F3, Rc1 and Rc2 did not show differences in relation to the LC50 of the F1. The release of susceptible colonies within the resistant populations could be taken as an alternative for the management of the mite with cyhexatin, providing the knowledge on the behaviour in the field is enlarged.
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