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This paper explores the relationship between Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility (or Organizational Social Responsibility). To this end, the document is based on a case study about a Colombian long-tradition firm known as Organización Carvajal, which has extended its activity all over Latin America. The case study covers the period 2008-2015, between the arrival of a non-family CEO to the last year containing enough information about the subject at the research time. The relationship between the Corporate Governance and the Organizational Social Responsibility is studied based on a model that considers the interest of the majority-owners-block-family and CEO about the firm outlays for the Organizational Social Responsibility. The presentation is built as follows: first, central issues of the disciplinary context are shown. They are centered on placing the Corporate Governance-Organizational Social Responsibility relationship in Multilatinas among the organizational discussion. Second, the literature review explains the conceptual frame to visualize both the relationship mentioned above and the fieldwork. This part sets the theoretical model used as a referent. Finally, the case is described, discussed and the conclusions incorporated. The findings suggest that the CEO – owner agency problem in this Multilatina is not significant enough to become the main reason to alter the relationship between Corporate Governance and Organizational Social Responsibility.

Carlos Tello-Castrillón, Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Palmira

Associate Professor, Universidad Nacional de Colombia at Palmira, Colombia. B.A. in Economics, B.A. in Business Administration, Universidad del Valle, Colombia, Doctor in Engineering - Industries and Organizations, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia.

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