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This research aims to analyze human talent management in a public university, according to its institutional regulations, in the case of the Universidad Nacional Abierta (UNA) of Venezuela. For this, it seeks to determine the fundamental characteristics that comprise the management of human talent in this institution; likewise, the elements contemplated by said institutional regulations are characterized. Subsequently, the correspondence that exists between the management of human talent and institutional regulations is established. In the methodology, the type of research is documentary, with a bibliographic research design, in which the units of analysis, the research procedures, and the data collection techniques are highlighted, with its system of variables and its analysis of data. It was determined that talent management is a set of integrated processes designed to attract, develop, motivate and retain the employees of this institution. Likewise, it is characterized that the fundamental elements are the admission, application, compensation, development, maintenance, and monitoring of people. In addition, the correspondence that exists between the management of human talent of this university concerning its general regulations, institutional regulations, admission of academic staff, and partial reform of the regulations of admission, location, and promotion, agreement document in addition to its collective agreement is established. In conclusion, it has been stated that the management of human talent of the UNA in about to its institutional regulations corresponds to the aspects that come from the various regulations and policies that this institution has.

Raúl Eustace Rodríguez Arias, Universidad Nacional Abierta

Professor Associate, Universidad Nacional Abierta, Caracas, Venezuela. Sociologist, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Doctor of Research and Development Management, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela.

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Received 2022-01-10
Accepted 2023-07-04
Published 2023-06-27

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