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There are a variety of factors that directly or indirectly influence how the worker performs within the organization, such as remuneration policies, workload, job satisfaction or others. To delve into this topic, the objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between absenteeism, compensation and equity of workers through negative binomial regression. The study was carried out in a higher education institution, compiling 840 data on compensation, absenteeism and staffing, which were analyzed with respect to the corresponding year (2015-2017), month, gender and plant. A model was generated where the dependent variable is Absenteeism (days) and the independent variables are Average Income and Equity, indicating that the average income (expressed as logarithms) is an optimal predictor to determine the level of absenteeism within the organization, while the Gini Index does not generate consistent results to determine an incidence on the level of absenteeism of workers, in addition to not being influenced by either gender or plant. According to the results obtained, women have a higher level of absenteeism than men, which is why it is suggested as a future line of research to compare the levels of absenteeism between women with children and women without children. In summary, for this sample the average income (expressed as logarithms) is an adequate predictor for the level of absenteeism, while Equity is not.

Maria Margarita Chiang Vega, Universidad del Bío-Bío

Research Professor, Faculty of Business Sciences, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Concepción, Chil. Commercial Engineer, Doctor in Human Resources, Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid, España.

Ángela Abigail Fuentes de la Fuente, Universidad del Bio-Bio

Researcher, Faculty of Business Sciences, Universidad del Bio-Bio, Concepción, Chile. Industrial Civil Engineer, Master in Business Administration, Universidad del Bio-Bio, Chile.

Juan Pablo Hidalgo Ortiz, Universidad del Bio-Bio

Research Professor, Faculty of Sciences, Universidad del Bio-Bio, Concepción, Chile. Statistics Engineer, Master in Mathematics, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile.

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Received 2020-05-18
Accepted 2021-02-01
Published 2020-09-15

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