Cristobal, the tropical storm in 2020 that left atypical rainfall in the Yucatan Peninsula
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The tropical cyclones on different stages depression, storm and hurricane, have been topics of research in recent decades. This work studies the spatial variability of the precipitation generated by the tropical storm Cristóbal, which, since its formation and passing through the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. This tropical disturbance arose in late May from tropical depression number three. Cristóbal was declared as a tropical storm in the Campeche Sonda, Mexico on May 31 before the beginning of the official Atlantic season. Cristobal stayed abnormally for three days in the southern Gulf of Mexico, entering the Campeche entity to move north, and ending up affecting Louisiana, United States as a tropical storm. In the Yucatan Peninsula, daily rainfall exceeded over 240% of June average (110-220 mm). The historical record in four meteorological stations and the accumulated rainfall registered in six days represent 90% of the annual average in certain areas, which damaged agricultural activity and urban infrastructure.
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