Evolution and trends in the use of Remotely Pilotted Aircraft in Brazil (2017-2022) and its implications for geoprocessing
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Remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) revolutionized Remote Sensing, democratizing the acquisition of aerial geospatial data. In Brazil, RPAs are regulated by the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC), through and registered in specific systems linked to the Department of Airspace Control. As RPA registration data are available on the internet, there is an opportunity to quantitatively analyze the evolution and current scenario of RPA use in Brazil. In this paper, we analyze the current situation of the use of RPAs in Brazil, quantifying registrations, manufacturers, models and branches of activity, between2017 to 2022. Tabular data were collected from the ANAC website and of the Brazilian Open Data Portal, being analyzed using Microsoft Excel software. An increase of 269% was observed in the total number of RPAs registered, with a significant concentration in the Distrito Federal, São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Mato Grosso do Sul e Paraná (Federal Units of Brazil). An increase in the number of registrations of RPAs for professional use and by companies was also identified, corroborating the idea of a progressive professionalization of the use of RPAs in Brazil. The analysis of the various branches of application allowed a classification into four major areas: recreation, commercial, public and scientific research. At the end, a discussion/reflection of the uses of RPAs in scientific research in the field of geoprocessing is presented.
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