Living well: indigenous female thought in southern Colombia
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This paper result of the research: "Creation and art as generators of knowledge and construction of thought in the southwestern region of Colombia" realized at the Faculty of Humanities and Arts of the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente. This region is located the department of Nariño, irrigated by the waters of La Cocha, a Quechua word that means lagoon and that has hosted indigenous communities, one of them being the Quillacingas, who have experienced an awakening since 1990, consisting of the recovery of ancestral practices usurped by various settlers and that currently promote female leadership to stimulate new ways of inhabiting the territory. This is how the living well proposal is consolidated, in a clear reappropriation of the Ecuadorian and Bolivian tradition of good living and living well. This article exposes indigenous female thought through the narrative of a Quillacinga leader.
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