Identidades multiterritorializadas: uma visão relacional sobre os processos de construção identitária na comunidade de Candeal em Salvador de Bahia (Brasil)
Conteúdo do artigo principal
This article aims to understand how the processes of identity construction are related to the production of territories and territorialities, taking into account the power relations from physical domination to the symbolic appropriation of space. The analysis originates from a qualitative case study in the community of Candeal in Salvador da Bahia (Brazil), which faces, on the one hand, the consequences of the marked socio-spatial and racial inequality, and on the other hand, has gained a great international reputation through the musician Carlinhos Brown who was born in this neighborhood. In addition, the community gained recognition through the collective practices of self-organizing by which its inhabitants achieved considerable infrastructural improvements. Based on ethnographic methods and narrative interviews, a concept of ‘multiterritorialized identities’ is developed, inspired, among others, by the work of the Brazilian geographer Rogério Haesbaert. This conceptual framework can be used for further studies on processes of identity construction in relation to multiple territories and territorialities.
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